Are there any DACs that can go low?

I have a W4S DAC-2 (with Audiophilleo), I have also auditioned an Ayre QB-9, own a Cary Xciter, have owned a Peachtree Nova, and have an Oppo BDP-95. I try to use high definition files from a Mac Mini over Audionirvana.

None of these can approach the lows that my reference source can (a Clearaudio Performance SE turntable with Artist V2 ebony Cartridge and Ayre P-5xe stage). My reference is a Clearaudio Performance SE turntable with Artist V2 ebony Cartridge and Ayre P-5xe stage. The bass is so much richer and deeper with that as my reference and the midrange sounds fuller too. Highs never sound shrill either.

Are there any DACs out there that can approach a more neutral sound, at least as I see it?
I have also picked up a TEAC UD-501 and it does sound the business especially with DSD!
The frequency response of the DACs you have tried probably extends to 20Hz. The reason that you are not hearing the same bass as your vinyl system is likely related to two deficiencies:

1) Jitter is probably too high to deliver the focus required for good bass
2) Dynamic response in the analog circuits are limited by power supply/subsystem

Not all DACs have this problem and some DACs will have significantly improved bass dynamics by driving them with a low-jitter source.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The Chord Qute HD has a very good bottom end - possibly the best I have ever heard.

I heard a direct comparison between it and a WFS and the bass was better - but if the Chord was an overall better DAC is a matter of personal opinion - some thought it was - others preferred the WFS.

As Doggie mentioned the Playback Designs has an excellent bottom end as well and, especially via DSD, but via PCM as well, is better that the Chord - but a LOT more expensive.
