I have Paradigm Studio 100 and I want to use a subwoofer with them..I use my system only for would you suggest using a subwoofer for only music with my Paradigms??I need help....
Some say that when you bi-wire you lose a bit at the that true??
I got very good results from biwiring my 100s. Also from using a power conditioner.

Bishopwill what were the differences when you bi-wired them??did you have any negative results??
I think the biggest change I noticed was that the bass became tighter and better controlled. There was some improvement in midrange clarity, too.

No negative impact unless you consider the cost of a set of good biwire cables. OUTCH!

Bishopwill, with my MX-1 amplifier I have A and B speaker terminals .Normally I only use A terminal..If I want to bi-wire do I have to put the B terminal on as well??On Paradigm website they recommend not to..what do I have to do??