Try not to be so verbose with these questions, ok?
Price range:
Under $500 NHT SB-3
$500 - $750 B&W 602S3
$750 - $1000 B&W 602S3 and a 10-12" subwoofer
$1k - $1500 - B&W 605S2 these have built-in powered subs(used or demo)They were $2k new but recently discontinued.
$1500 - $2k Northcreek Rhythm 9500 kit and cabinets if you are handy with tools or can find someone who is to help you.
Here is the link:
$2k - $3K Rhythm 9500 Unlimited Kit or Revelator Kit.
$3.5K NHT T6 system (but only if you don't live in a townhouse or apt).
This system can rock your block.