Dsd audio as well as any quality dac now can go toe to toe with Any turntables for or less money.
Dollar per dollar,digital has better s/n ratio, dynamic range, lower noise floor, and for sure lower Bass. But people have using turntables for so long
Including myself is because it sounds so natural.the tide now has turned.
I use DB power amp to rip cds to a External SS drive,then To J Rivers to a Auraliti Player 1500 Album library.Mytek makes a nice dac for !$1500 range to step it up to the Aurender Vega dac,for $4500 retail including the player and I Pad, it will smoke Any $15k turntable setup even more
iMO, and no crackly disks to clean. I just use my I Pad to pull up Wav files,
Hirez, or DSD downloads And just relax.the hardest part is ripping
Cds to the HD. When I read articles on turntables for $100K ,I Say for what
Just more work to do? Some people just want to re live the past,which
Is fine ,just not for me .
Dollar per dollar,digital has better s/n ratio, dynamic range, lower noise floor, and for sure lower Bass. But people have using turntables for so long
Including myself is because it sounds so natural.the tide now has turned.
I use DB power amp to rip cds to a External SS drive,then To J Rivers to a Auraliti Player 1500 Album library.Mytek makes a nice dac for !$1500 range to step it up to the Aurender Vega dac,for $4500 retail including the player and I Pad, it will smoke Any $15k turntable setup even more
iMO, and no crackly disks to clean. I just use my I Pad to pull up Wav files,
Hirez, or DSD downloads And just relax.the hardest part is ripping
Cds to the HD. When I read articles on turntables for $100K ,I Say for what
Just more work to do? Some people just want to re live the past,which
Is fine ,just not for me .