Opinions about Kharma Speakers

Is anyone familiar with the sound characteristics of this speaker line? I am particularly interested in the Ceramiques.
I recently purchased a used pair of Champaigne 1.0 Kharmas Ceramiques. To me these are the most natural sounding and musical speakers I have ever heard. These speakers just have the ability to totally dissappear. I realize that there are better speakers out there ,but the only other speaker I would consider is another more expensive Kharma.I just love there sound!
I agree with Thorman, these speakers are hard to beat at any price. I have a pair of Ceramique 1.1s. When I bought them I was using a Gamut 200 amp (which I highly recommend). The sound is very musical, acuurate without being clinical, like a fine violin.
I just bought a pair of Tenor amps, and I can't believe that you can get this quality of sound out of $16,000 speakers, as soon as I can afford it I want to buy the Grand Ceramiques.
Very good speakers!! Beautiful integration of drivers. Crossover is one of the best I have heard. Fit and finish is outstanding. No we don't sell them.
Recently purchased the 3.0's and don't regreat a thing. Beautifull workmanship and very revealing of the electronics used.
Haydn, i guess i may not need to tell you what i think about Kharmas. i did hear from Jonathan that you will be joining us on Saturday. i'll have the Exquisites all warmed up.

i'm in Jackson Hole this week and kinda out of touch. i had to drive into town to find the web and no cell phone. my wife says it is good for the soul.