I too own 10t's and agree with Beemer's comments above. Michael Kelly has done a fine job of meeting the needs of the HT market with his center, surround and subwoofer. However, the excellent reputation he enjoys was founded on the 10t's in a two channel system where they received outstanding reviews in both The Absolute Sound and Stereophile, which gave them Speaker of the Year back when Stereophile was still a good audio magazine. These speakers continue to be one of the best regarded speakers in high end audio and a tremendous value. Properly set up, the 10t's are very hard to beat at anywhere near their price. Also, I disagree with the comments that people make regarding their need for big amps and tons of power. Unless you have a really big room, and most of us don't (mine is 13x22), you can get wonderful results with some pretty modest amps. Michael Kelly has recommended the Ayre V-3 (100 watts per channel)to me on more than one occasion as an excellent match. I used a single BEL 2002 MK3a for some time and was very happy, and that is only 50 watts per channel! I have since added a second BEL which gives me all the power I could ever need at 200 watts per channel. I cannot recommend them highly enough.