Day amp arrives Cashier check returned

Today an amp I shipped across the country arrived safely at it's destination. Oddly enogh while I was at the bank today I was informed that a rather large cashier's check did not clear.

I called the guy up and he answered the phone (good sign) He say's he does not understand what could have happened and will check in to it first thing in the mourning.

My bank say's he may have stopped payment on the cashiers check. They could not give me any other details. Just that I would be recieving the check back in the mail in a few day's

Does this kind of stuff ever turn out good? Or am I screwed?

I will follow up tomorrow.
Myraj: It is possible to stop a casheir's check. All one has to do is tell the bank that it was lost.

I bet the guy comes through. I like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Here in NY it's necessary to bond the stop payment with three times the amount. Banks don't take well to stopping a cashier's check. A statement of fraud or theft or loss is also necesary with all the NY banks I've dealt with.

It's time to start a dispute thread and identify the buyer. You may just be the beginning of another series of theft akin to last summer.

Don't wait to be nice. Protect yourself and the others here on Audiogon.

Bill E.
Does anyone know for sure if a bank draft or certified bank check is more secure than a simple bank money order? This draft is physically typed by the bank and requires BOTH the payee's and payor's name be typed in by a bank official, rather than just a "fill in the blanks" money order. More expensive than a money order ($5- or $6-) the added protection worth it?
Thanks for all the advise so far.

This guy actually seems to check out. His address and phone number are listed, and the local police say he lives in a nice residental area.

To me if he were going to flea, the phone # would have been bogus, and when I offered to ship three day air most criminals would have said yes. He said ground would help save him some money. We talked on the phone and have stayed in touch constantly from begining to end.

Grant it he is a newbie and may have paniced at some point but I really can't say right now. I'm just glad I found out early enough to cover the check with funds before I started bouncing checks

I was almost able to stop the delivery, but UpS had delivered four hours prior. I'm keeping the faith for now, This guy seems nice enough I hope it's no big deal

I agree with talking with your bank.

I wonder if the issuing bank can be forced to honor the check if it was canceled in bad faith?