Fatparrot, the "bank draft" with the names typed in by the bank that you are describing is a "cashier's check", as far as I know. All of this actually makes me wonder if money orders aren't really more secure. You can't claim you "lost" a money order and get a refund, or "stop" it, can you? I suppose they could always be stolen or forged, though. And then there's the flip side of this issue - what if you as a buyer are asked (understandably, given the above) to pay for something on A-Gon by a method basically equivalent to cash (does it exist?) before the seller will ship it, and then nothing shows up? The scams referred to above make me want to do all of my transactions in person - but then, I have never yet had a problem here on the 'Gon (or E-Bay). Are there any signs you can look for to protect yourself in advance?