Babyproofing Stand-mounted speakers

I love my monitor speakers (Revel M20s), but have an issue... they are so top-heavy on the stands that a one year old could pull them over. Problem is, I'll have a one year old in just a couple of more months. Wife says (and I can't say I disagree) that they will have to go back against the wall and be strapped there unless I can come up with a solution. You all know how good they will sound against the wall... yuck!

I thought I appeal to the collective wisdom of Audiogon and ask if anybody has experience in ways to prevent standmounted speakers from tipping over. I've thought about bolting them to the floor, but the hardwood floors wouldn't thank me.

Quite frankly, I think bolting them to the floor is a great idea. Not only will they sound better than before, you'll save your children from getting hurt. The only other option I can think of is to use stands that can be filled with 50-75 pounds of weight. That way the unit won't be top heavy, and you shouldn't have an issue with tipping them over. Hardwood floors can be fixed without too much trouble, I would just want to make sure you had your postitioning right when you did it. Good luck
Hello Brad!
I have the same speakers with the original Revel stands, and the same baby problem as well, but with twins! I have found the following to work just fine, and also it has helped a good bit with the sonics as well:
Take the speakers off the stands and flip them up-side down on a cloth. Get a strong power drill and drill a 1/2" hole in the middle of each "leg" of the "T" shaped bottom. Purchase 3 25lb. bags of fine lead shot from a local gun shop (~ $60-$75 total cost). Using a small plastic funnel and disposable cup to pour the lead shot with, carefully fill the bases. When finished, use a 2" x 2" piece of duct tape to cover the works just fine. Then, flip the stands upright, unscrew the top plate, then fill the 3 legs with the remaining shot as well, all the way to the top. Replace the top plate, and you are in business! They speakers will now be MUCH more stable, and you will find them to have better bass and solidity as well. They are not the greatest stands, and I wish Revel had given them more thought, but the speakers are FANTASTIC at the price point and well beyond... Enjoy!
Dont use lead, it is toxic.
Especially around children!!!!
Hello...anybody home???
There are many alternatives....sand being a good one. Vader