ATC SCM12 and 50wpc Manley Stingray?

I'm interested in auditioning the SCM12s but I've seen the discussions of the ATC speakers here and they all talked about how much power it takes to run these speakers.

If I'm going to be using these speakers typically in moderately sized apartment living rooms, and listen with a volume level primarily around 75db, will my 50 wpc Stingray integrated be able to drive these speakers?

A dealer I spoke with assured me that although the speakers had low sensitivity, the phase/impedence angles were very flat & tube friendly.

Any thoughts?
Sc53 -- I like the floorstanding ProAc D15, but will try to hear the 1SC as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
How about the smaller SCM-7's. Also $1,000 vs. $2,100. Note: the old SCM-10's were $1,700 so the 12's cost more, not less.
I've listened to the scm7 as well. a nice pair.
but compared to scm12, they do not have the same level of midrange clarity.

The older scm10 *was* 2200$ if i recall. The difference is scm12 uses
SL drivers whereas scm 10 doesn't. ( it shows up in the midrange )

Only niggle on scm12 is they've got the 70's retro look thing again.
Misskuma, in what way the midrange sound different betweent the SCM12 and the old SCM10? I have not audition SCM12. tks
Those SL drivers give better clarity, definition and articulation
in the midrange and down. I'd reckon they have less distortion
than SCM10. As good as they are I can still hear some midbass rise
on those. Not too prominent like many minimonitors out there, however,
like their little sibling SCM7s, there is some *bass compensation* going
on. ie: give 'em a wee bit of midbass boost so that the speakers can
sound bigger than they are.