Does bewiring decrease "wholeness" ?

An audiophile involve in audio sales once told me, that to connect my speakers using its bewired option instead of the jumper with a single run of cable, will reduce the sens of "wholeness" that I am loocking for.
It seems, that doing so, mite encourage some disparitys in the process, so as to reduce some of the unitary ingredients responsible for the beleivebility and cohesiveness of the "one event-many participants" I am listening to.
Herewith this modest proposal: Get a friend and a blindfold and try them both ways, without your knowing which way is which, with a cd you've heard at least a hundred times. Can you hear a difference? If so,wire them the more desirable way.
I have felt at times "Biamping" seemed to distract from the sound but not biwiring.
Thanks for your comments.
Your suggestion IMO, that the salesman as an interest in his suggestion is not correct, since he was complimenting the single wired option (with jumpers) over the biwered option.
I am also aware that, bi-amping was once evaluated by a revewer with the specific set-up he was working on, as increasing some aspect of the sound being reproduced but with a slight decrease in the "realness" or "directness" or "wholsomeness" of the musical event.
The salesman was basically suggesting that for him to be-wired was conductive to give the type of result that I have tried (excuse my french) to describe above.
I had never read or heard about it before, but this audiophile-salesman was definitelly using a single run and jumpers on his speaker set-up at home.
In all the set ups I've used--and I mean ALL--Bi wireing was always a big improvement. (When they give you 4 posts per speaker)--- Jumpers were always less.
For what it's worth, I always biwired. Figured if two sets of speaker terminals were provided, it was best to use them. When I switched from Kimber 8TC (biwired) to Mapleshade Golden Helix and assumed I would biwire, Pierre Sprey of Mapleshade convinced me NOT to buy the second set of cables (despite the fact that it cost him money to make this recommendation) but to use his copper foil jumpers instead. The single Mapleshades left the biwired 8TCs in the dust. But obviously, YMMV.