What's the Best Speakers use with the CAT JL2/SL1?

System : Amps/Preamp: Convergent Audio Technologie JL2/SL1 ultimate, Turntable/Arm: Simon Yorke S7 with Graham 2.2, Cartridge: Benz Micro Ruby 2/Lyra Helikon, Phono cables: Graham IC-70/Cardas Golden reference, Interconnects/Speakers cables: Cardas Golden reference,
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole, Tuner: Sequerra FM Reference.
What is the best Speakers to use with this system equipment?
My room size: 18ft x 13ft x 8.5ft.

Razen: 1st, Wow, excellent system! (if I may use the word). As to yr question: IMO (and experience) you can drive ALL of the reasonably sensitive speakers with yr CAT combo -- the list is, believe me, long enough for a PhD. Anything that's phase correct (or more or less), reasonably even, & fast -- to do justice to yr electronics. What music do you listen to, and how do you like yr reproduction to sound -- not least, what speakers are you using now & why are they lacking...?
Among the brands (purportedly) used by Mr CAT &/or his dealers are: A-Physics, Symphonic-Line, Genesis, Quads, Avalon, Soundlab, the Bella Luna model (manufacturer?), Thiels (a variety, it seems), Sonus Faber... many others can apply. Take your pick, your only restriction is the room size!
At the recent Stereophile show, CAT electronics were paired very successfully, in my opinion, with EgglestonWorks speakers. I believe you would experience bliss with the Andra, Rosa, or, if your bank account allows, the Savoy.
Hello Gregm,

I using now the Aerial 10T speakers, I listen music: Jazz,
Jazz Vocal voice, Classical, Blues, and litlle pop music,

What your recommendation between Eggleston Works Andra II,
or Audio Physics Avanti III or last NEW powered bass.

