With Recent Talk Here of PSB Stratus Goldi's,....

...I am wondering if anyone out there has followed an upgrade path that included the Goldi's. I very much like them in my system (take a look see). Given that I like their presentation, in general, what would anyone suggest as a step up from the Goldi's for about $3500 USED? Please limit responses to those that have experience with the Goldi's and have subsequently "kicked it up a notch".

BTW, I listen to a lot of jazz but still like to really rock the roll on frequent occasions.
Yeah, I do like the PSB Gold I's for rock, for a "passive" standard radiating music speaker. They are fairly uncolored, an have good dynamics and output for rock and heavy percussion dynamic stuff.
For the record however, i still think the Silver I's sound more neutral and refined. But the Gold's still play harder and deaper full range yes.
Anyway, may I strongly consider you consider something like the "powered" more refined choices in speakers, something that has plenty of dynamics for rock, but still very clear, detailed, and refined sounding. A couple of serious considerations for you(TRUST ME FROM EXPEREINCE HERE....but check it out) in that $3500 range for used, would be the NHT VT3 powered towers or the Infinity Prelude MTS powered speakers!!! Either of these two superb "active woofer" audiphile speakers are going to be at least 40% better than the PSB gold's! You'll not only step up in traparancy and lack of coloration, but also detail, refinment, delicacy, and DYNAMICS will be better with these "powered" speakrs!
Both the NHT's and Infinity's use 500 watt-800+ watt amps for the bass drivers, which will really make your rock sound solid and hard hitting dynamically! Both of them also excell in neutrality of pressentation, and are highly regarded for what they are. I actully think even the older NHT 3.3's are a step up(alhough not the last word in detail) from whatyoure using now!...especially if you occassionall appreciate hard rock or demanding music or movies.
I like the PSB gold's enough for like movie/casual music dubties, and think they play hard and natural sounding. Lord knows they're dynamic for a standard full range "passive" speaker. But if I know those speakers, and I know you'd no be dissapointed with the $6500(new) NHT's or $8000 (new) infinity's I mentioned used!
Good luck
CD- Appreciate the comments. This is a two-channel only system - no video. Afraid my consideration of Infinity is tainted from the purchase about 8 years ago of Infinity Sterlings for HT. Had the drivetrs replaced three times under warranty! :-(
Buy Stratus Minis with a PSB sub instead. You will get better imaging due to the tiny boxes and no hernia! The golds are monsters. I owned silvers and after a side by side with minis, I decided that PSB needs a diet.
I am not really interested in moving along the PSB line but, rather, moving up to something that has the same neutral type of presentation that is also versatile enough to handle a variety of music with an even higher degree of dynamics, clarity, and extension.