I can see why you would think that you "lost" bass. In effect, you did. Having said that, "quantity" does not always equal "quality".
Pass amps are NOT "bass monsters", especially the Aleph series.
Dunlavy's are known for having very quick and tight bass, not the bloated thud that most vented designs offer.
As such, you went from an amp that is known for having gobs of power / current with phenomenal bottom end driving speakers that are slow, thick and muddy to an amp that is somewhat lean and speakers that are much more defined and quicker. Obviously, that is quite a big change.
I would suggest working with speaker placement and give yourself a chance to get used to the new system. I'm not suggesting that you'll like this set-up better simply by getting used to it, but it IS a VERY different system.
So that we may be able to offer more informed opinions as to what might help you out:
1) what are you running for speaker cables ?
2) how big is the room that the Dunlavy's are in ?
3) how far apart are the Dunlavy's from each other, the side walls and the front wall ?
The more info that you can give us, the more likely the comments are to be somewhat helpful and accurate. Sean