@Docks, I'm gonna quote Judge Belvin Perry (Casey Anthony trial) regarding your 6-14-11 post:
"What we don't know is a wide universe of things we don't know."
If you don't have the experience (aka experiential knowledge), Docks, why post a comment other than to exercise your keyboard and typing digits ("digital is digital")?
Get the audio experience of trying several HQ USB cables on a HQ system, and get back to us, & don't forget...
:) listening,
"What we don't know is a wide universe of things we don't know."
If you don't have the experience (aka experiential knowledge), Docks, why post a comment other than to exercise your keyboard and typing digits ("digital is digital")?
Get the audio experience of trying several HQ USB cables on a HQ system, and get back to us, & don't forget...
:) listening,