Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
Von Schweikerts. The literature claims they excell any planar/electrostat in terms of transparency, and they do just that, dissapearing in a room like none other I've ever heard, and most models go down to at least 20-25hz. There are not many VSA dealers around but if you have one locally give them a listen, you will be impressed.
Mike, thanks for the link to the translated Monitor db site. Now if I can only scrape together DM60,000 for the Imagine system! (This price must be out of date since it's been a couple years since the DM has been traded). My best guess would be in the $35-40K range in US dollars... This is a little out of my range, but it makes for interesting reading nonetheless (although the 'verb last order' structure doesn't translate very well at times). Maybe Albert or Cornfedboy can give them a try?!?! Wayne
I went from M-L Sequel IIs (10+ yrs) to Merlins VSM-SE and they were dyanamic as hell, but even after changing out dacs, transports, amps (two ss), wires, I couldn't tame 'em. Verity Fidelios filled the bill. Musical, detailed---no, make that MUSICAL and detailed.
Having heard the new piega c8 ltd for the last few weeks I would give an even stronger recommendation if you are considering box speakers that rival the good points of electrostatics. They really are worth an audition and won't cost what the imagine cost nor will they will require a separate listening room. Happy to chat if you have any interest
I had ribbons for the longest time and finally went out of it. Apogee Divas the queen of ribbons. Amazing soundstage and the dispersion level is on its own league.
Got out of it after trying to keep it going, the amplifiers monos, tubes for the top and heh! too much.
Finally I found bookshelves that could give the enjoyment as much. Went for the Sonus Faber Electa Amators!
Jeff Rowland amp and wadia source and I got what I want!
Ribbons and electrostatics sound different because of the wide band and dispersion charasteristics but there are other ways of getting good music. Problem is you have to pay for it!

Avalon Acoustics opened my eyes after being a ribbon devote for the longest time, so did the $20,000 price tag!