Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
128x128dennis_the_menace comparison...the spendors 3/5s sound "small" compared to my Quad 12Ls...but then again...the quad is over 4x the size...and in terms of "speed"...the Quads are not surprisingly "static like"...they really outperformed the small SPendor in every facet...speed,detail,dynamics,bass,etc...imaging and transparency in both speakers was excellent....
Forgot to ask. Are the Quads rear-ported? If yes, they won't work in my room. There are many speakers that are more transparent and faster sounding than the Spendors, but there are few speakers than can reproduce the timbre of acoustic instruments or add a body to voices, when driven by cheap ss equipment like the Spendors. The Quads may do it, but they don't have many US dealers at the moment.
Have any of you guys who think a Spendor sounds like a Quad, or like any electrostatic, in the midrange, ever heard a Harbeth? The Compact 7 is absolutely dead on flat through midrange fundamentals, crisp, fast and at the same time warm in the bass with no cone material coloration (distortion), not much roll-off on top, and limitless dynamics compared to the Quad. It has no character at all on the right height stands, but can be a little dry on stands that are too high.
Yep, Audio Artistry. Or Siegfried Linkwitz's new designs. These are full range dipoles using dynamic drivers. Try
I just did a demo of piega p10 with lamm amp.The more powerful one.I cant remember model it was at a dealer.I really wanted to like this speaker but was not impressed except on a chorale CD.This speaker has air.Better than on any speaker i have listened to.It would be wonderful on full scale classical.I listen mostly to Jazz and my Newform Research 645 are more open and way faster.Imaging way better and depth much better.It alo has a punchier mid bass.Bigger more realistic sound stage.Resoulution in spades.I was glad i demoed p10 i was going to buy them because they were more expensive and thought they would be much better.I am not trying to sell you on these speakers because my kharma 2.0s are my favorite but a more slower relaxed sound.I biamp aloia 13.01 amps or bedini 200 classic