Deteriorating speakers -- Class A today, C Tomorr

I have never been able to find an article adressing the aging of speaker cones -- a'la long term road test -- to see if the sound after the break-in period deteriorates over the years. This is of great importance to me because speakers that I lusted for 2-5 years ago are now appearing on the used market for prices I can afford.

Can any tell me if a speaker such a the Jmlab Utopia, Wilson Maxx, etc., sound as good after years of usage, or is the reason that the upgrade addiction sets in is to offset the aging speaker cones.
I have speakers that were originaly built in the 80's.
They have been re-foamed and are by far the best sound I have ever heard. The newest version sells for over $20K and even if I had the money I can't imagine being tempted. Well okay maybe:-). But my point is that technology may improve but I am not convinced the sound does. Just think how many older speakers still have first class sound. Snell A's, Original OHM F's and many others.
Would anyone ever pay $10K for used speakers on this site, without having the opportunity to hear/see them?
I agreed to buy a pair of used speakers for MUCH more than $10K here a while ago. I went up to listen to them driving a U-Haul. I got home late that night and set up my pair of Infinity IRS V.

I would not have paid for them to be shipped without listening to them first.