Does full range guarantee bass?

Generally speaking, if I get full range speakers, which will go below 40hz, will that get me good bass or does the amp still play a big part of it?

How many people have tube amps with great mids and hi ends, but lousy bottom, and then add a subwoofer to add the bass, even when they use full range speakers?

I read that Vandersteen subwoofers need to be paired with full range speakers in order to get the best sound? Why would that be?

In other words, do full range speakers always give you full range or just allow you to get full range?
Rsbeck, try some Mackie HR 624's. These are active 2 ways, bass as you describe. I don't think a passive 2-way can match the tight, deep, bass of an active design.
Phasecorrect, if you meant me, I did not mean to sound as if my feathers were ruffled. They were not. Shoot, I don't even have feathers.

Like I said, your one statement about subwoofers seemed pretty dogmatic. I meant nothing more and nothing less.

Sorry if my words came across any other way.

A small note:
Full range is not acheivable by any of FM tuner(broadcast limitations 50Hz...15KHz).