Experience w/ Legacy Audio Speakers Focus 20/20

I've read some posts here and @ the asylum regarding Legacy Audio. I have a pair @ home for a demo and I'm very impressed with what I've heard so far; but I wanted to see if anyone has long term experience with them... in particular, the Focus 20/20.

I'm driving them w/ a CJ Premier 11A and, due to their incredible efficiency (96dB), it does a nice job. I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions regarding horizontally bi-amping with a Premier 11 driving the high/mids and (*insert amp here*) driving the lows. Any input is greatly appreciated.


I don't have long term experience with these speakers, but I can tell you for sure that you made a helluva good buy! I am going to buy a pair asap!!!
Have a nice day
I have a pair that I got last summer. They are really improved over the last Focus. I have used tubes (Mcintosh 2102) and ss (Mcintosh 352). I also biamp using both with stunning results.
I own a pair of the 20/20s in ribbon mahagony (check Timo's Reference System here on Agon). I am driving them with 2 Ayre V-3 ss amplifiers, one driving the mid/highs, one driving the lows. I would put this system up against any out there as being musically natural.

Since you have a CJ 11A, I would highly consider getting another one and bi-amping as I have described above. You will most likely get improved bass response/control and even better transparency in the mids and highs by reducing, among other factors, inter-channel crosstalk.

Have a blast!
