Thanks for the excellent reply! What I mean by the 'C7000' that is the current model as of 1996?. The 2001 are the older model.
It's 'bass heavy and slow', isn’t that a ported design term. You would think being that it's an acoustic suspension design, that it’s very tight and controlled. With such fast transient response advertised, it would be tight/fast/smack you in the jaw rock solid! Must be an amp problem (damping=control) or like you said, to small of a room. Mine room is 25'L-17'W-8'H. Is that going to be big enough to let them 'breathe'?!I have a pair on the way.....:)
It's 'bass heavy and slow', isn’t that a ported design term. You would think being that it's an acoustic suspension design, that it’s very tight and controlled. With such fast transient response advertised, it would be tight/fast/smack you in the jaw rock solid! Must be an amp problem (damping=control) or like you said, to small of a room. Mine room is 25'L-17'W-8'H. Is that going to be big enough to let them 'breathe'?!I have a pair on the way.....:)