What Is the best pair of speakers under 3k??

I am new to mid hi-end home audio. I recently auditioned a pair of Theil 2.3 and were blown away. They sounded nothing like my canoe like huge JBLs'. I then listened to a pair of Martin Logan Aeon. Amazing!!! I am now totally confused. I think what I am really asking is what do you guys think I should audtion? I dont want to make a snap judgement and purchace something that sounds great in the audition room, but not at home. My initial goal is to have stereo sound maybe later going into home theater. I am also considering outlaw prepro/amp, or maybe B & K. any advice would be helpful. thank you.
Revel M20's would be my choice, though many like the B&W N805.. Go hear both of them, well worth the effort.
Those are two very different speakers - both excellent, but very different. If you like both, I'd suggest spending at least a couple hours auditioning each with all types of music that you like to listen to and see how the experience is across a wider range of genres.

You can get a nice pair of speakers for $3K. It looks like you're shopping retail (as opposed to used) - if so, find yourself an excellent dealer and have him or her help you through the selection process. The type of amp you choose will drastically affect what speaker choice would make a good decision. The ability to audition at home should be a benefit of going the retail route. You might tell us where you live and ask for dealer recommendations in the area - there are a lot of worthless dealers, but there are many excellent ones, and an excellent one would help your quest a great deal.

Both speakers you list are demanding "loads" on an amp - they will both benefit from superb and powerful amplification which, of course, will drive the cost up.

Other speakers under $3K that enjoy wide-spread positive feedback are the Paradigm 100's and the Vandersteen line - not sure which one you'd get in that price range, but they're very good.
BTW: I'm already, way over $3k. Sorry about that. Got carried away. Audiophools!?--relate?