What Is the best pair of speakers under 3k??

I am new to mid hi-end home audio. I recently auditioned a pair of Theil 2.3 and were blown away. They sounded nothing like my canoe like huge JBLs'. I then listened to a pair of Martin Logan Aeon. Amazing!!! I am now totally confused. I think what I am really asking is what do you guys think I should audtion? I dont want to make a snap judgement and purchace something that sounds great in the audition room, but not at home. My initial goal is to have stereo sound maybe later going into home theater. I am also considering outlaw prepro/amp, or maybe B & K. any advice would be helpful. thank you.
Revel M20's would be my choice, though many like the B&W N805.. Go hear both of them, well worth the effort.
Those are two very different speakers - both excellent, but very different. If you like both, I'd suggest spending at least a couple hours auditioning each with all types of music that you like to listen to and see how the experience is across a wider range of genres.

You can get a nice pair of speakers for $3K. It looks like you're shopping retail (as opposed to used) - if so, find yourself an excellent dealer and have him or her help you through the selection process. The type of amp you choose will drastically affect what speaker choice would make a good decision. The ability to audition at home should be a benefit of going the retail route. You might tell us where you live and ask for dealer recommendations in the area - there are a lot of worthless dealers, but there are many excellent ones, and an excellent one would help your quest a great deal.

Both speakers you list are demanding "loads" on an amp - they will both benefit from superb and powerful amplification which, of course, will drive the cost up.

Other speakers under $3K that enjoy wide-spread positive feedback are the Paradigm 100's and the Vandersteen line - not sure which one you'd get in that price range, but they're very good.
BTW: I'm already, way over $3k. Sorry about that. Got carried away. Audiophools!?--relate?
I have gone through many systems and speakers over the years.
I have owned speakers costing $10,000.
I now own a pair of speakers I paid less then $2000 for and have never been so pleased.
You might check into the Triangle line.
I second the M20s. But, you're splitting hairs at this level. Depends on what you like, and how they blend with your system. You got one, high class problem. For every one of me there will be one of the Thiel, then one of the N805s and then and then.....Remember; with the M20s, like the 805s, stands are mandatory. Good ones at that. Revel's stands are poor and the 805s are not much better. Just something to consider when considering $$ with monitors/speakers. With a sub, killer stands, and the M20s: I have arrived. Of course some great electronics, help, as well. peace, warren