A subwoofer for my NHT SuperZeros

I'd like to get more use out of my Super Zeros, which I like very much, by adding a subwoofer. My room size is 14 by 20 with cathedral ceiling and right now I'm using a low cost NAD integrated amp. I plan to upgrade next year to the Creek 5350SE. I listen mostly to music--female vocalists like Dianne Krall and to light jazz--and rarely to home theatre.

My budget for the subwoofer is in the $500 range. I had been leaning to an HSU subwoofer but am concerned about their ability to match well with the SuperZero which struggles to put out anything below 80hz. I wonder if that might also be a problem with other subwoofers in this price range. Stereophile likes the PSB Alpha Subsonic 5, priced at $449. Y'all have any advice for me?

It is going to be problematic at best to get a sub to integrate seemlessly. Look on Audiogon for a used NHT sub like one of their older 10" jobs. You will need one that will allow clean response up into the 100hz+ area. I would use a passive filter with your amp designed to roll the lows out of the Superzero at 100hz or maybe a touch lower. You can place it between your pre-outs and main-in. The SZ image so well and if you could get a sub to sorta match you would have a nice sounding system-especially after you get the Creek. Cory Greenburg (Sterophile) did an article about this very thing about 4 or 5 years ago. They used the NHT sw2p with it. Excellent match if you can find one used. Also, don't rule out NHT's newer subs.
For the $500 range pick up the used REL Q100E for sale on Audiogon for $450. A REL will integrate with anything. The A100E is the Home Theater equivalent to the REL Stratus. Just as musical and more slam for movies (there is a Slam/Depth switch to change the response).

Also consider the Hsu VTF-2.
I second the SW2P suggestion . . . . I used precisely that combo for a couple of years, and the sub and SZs worked together beautifully. On top of that, you should be able to get a used SW2P for no more than $300, and quite possibly for less.