A subwoofer for my NHT SuperZeros

I'd like to get more use out of my Super Zeros, which I like very much, by adding a subwoofer. My room size is 14 by 20 with cathedral ceiling and right now I'm using a low cost NAD integrated amp. I plan to upgrade next year to the Creek 5350SE. I listen mostly to music--female vocalists like Dianne Krall and to light jazz--and rarely to home theatre.

My budget for the subwoofer is in the $500 range. I had been leaning to an HSU subwoofer but am concerned about their ability to match well with the SuperZero which struggles to put out anything below 80hz. I wonder if that might also be a problem with other subwoofers in this price range. Stereophile likes the PSB Alpha Subsonic 5, priced at $449. Y'all have any advice for me?

It is going to be problematic at best to get a sub to integrate seemlessly. Look on Audiogon for a used NHT sub like one of their older 10" jobs. You will need one that will allow clean response up into the 100hz+ area. I would use a passive filter with your amp designed to roll the lows out of the Superzero at 100hz or maybe a touch lower. You can place it between your pre-outs and main-in. The SZ image so well and if you could get a sub to sorta match you would have a nice sounding system-especially after you get the Creek. Cory Greenburg (Sterophile) did an article about this very thing about 4 or 5 years ago. They used the NHT sw2p with it. Excellent match if you can find one used. Also, don't rule out NHT's newer subs.
For the $500 range pick up the used REL Q100E for sale on Audiogon for $450. A REL will integrate with anything. The A100E is the Home Theater equivalent to the REL Stratus. Just as musical and more slam for movies (there is a Slam/Depth switch to change the response).

Also consider the Hsu VTF-2.
I second the SW2P suggestion . . . . I used precisely that combo for a couple of years, and the sub and SZs worked together beautifully. On top of that, you should be able to get a used SW2P for no more than $300, and quite possibly for less.
I'd make two additional suggestions. For a sub, consider the Adire Rava. It uses the Shiva driver, and in its small sealed cabinet sounds wonderfully musical (crisp and articulate) but with impressive output, and will extend to 160 Hz. Those Zeros start rolling off well above 80Hz, so you'd want your crossover well above 100 to avoid a hole. Here's a link. It really is a steal at $399 new, and the owner (Dan Wiggins) is a great and helpful guy.

Now, if HT use is a real minority, you might consider selling the Zeros, adding your 500 budget, and buying a pair of mains with better extension. If you have the space for floorstanders (you should, unless you don't put the Zeros on stands) and like the NHT sound, you could get a pair of 2.5i, or VT1.2 or VT2, which may be more satisfying. And of course there are many other brands and models to consider.

I lied ... a third suggestion ... ever try DIY? You can even get precut panels with some kits, and your DIY sub will outperform a manufactured one at similar price points.

Good luck!