B&W N805 vs Revel M20

Hi, I currently have a set of B&W CDM1 NT (with their matching FS-CDM stands) in a relatively small room. Would like to upgrade to either the N805 or the Revel M20 (both with stands). Which one do you recommend? One advantage that I see for the N805 is that they can be biwired/biamped. The M20 have only one set of terminals.

I am driving the speakers with an Arcam A32 100Wpc integrated amp. Thanks.
Hey Gustavog,

I've since sold my M-20s and bought the Dynaudio 1.3MkIIs. But before I let them go I was using the Plinius SA-250MkIV to drive them. This amp can drive a truck if hooked up right.....John
Jrwr7, and the natural question, why the Dynaudio 1.3MkIIs? Should I add another variable to my already complicated life?
Well...since you're now entertaining other speaker suggestions, and if you're open to a full-range floor standing speaker, I'd look at the Vandersteen 2ce Sigs. They will cost you much less than either the M20s or the N805s (with stands, and in the case of N20, with grills, too), but don't be fooled by the price. They are very impressive speakers.

FWIW...I own (4) B&W Nautilus 805s. I love the sound of them, and will always have a use for them, but my next system will be based around the Vandersteen line. If I couldn't have a second system, I'd add a 2nd REL Strata III to my N805s and be happy for life.

With any of the speakers so far listed in this thread, you really can't make a bad decision. Until I listened to the Vandersteen line, I hadn't found a product that I liked more than my N805s. For my room / placement / system / music, a N805 + REL Strata III is perfect. This combination is easy to work into a room, they look great, and sound amazing.

Note that I said "that I liked more". You'll never really know your options until you get out there and listen. I would have never even though about Vandersteen until I stumbled upon a dealer - I wasn't even looking to audition speakers (I wanted to hear tube amps).

And don't stress over this - this is supposed to be your "relaxing hobby".

I'll throw this back into your court, Gustavog. What do you like about these two speakers? What don't you like? What made you narrow your choice to these 2 models? What types of music do you listen to? What is your listening room like?

Are we having fun yet? Perhaps you could invite us all down (or up or sideways - depending on where we all live) to enjoy the sun and do some listening. I could use a vacation.
I lfeel that the M20s and N805s are both excellent at the 2K price point. Both benefit from quality stands. After listening to both, I preferred the 805s with the excellent dedicated Sound Anchor stands. However, the 805s will easily reveal any upstream problems. They also like a powerful, high current amplifier. IMO, a listener with very high quality(and musical) components will prefer the 805s for classic jazz, vocal, and classical music. Removing the grills will add an extra measure of clarity.
Best Wishes.
Nrenter, you are most welcomed to pop (down) by if in Mexico City. That's where I am. And my choices are determined in some way by that. It is part logistics, a bookshelf speaker is easier to move around (or bring from the US in one of my trips). Also, you don't have the widest choice here in Mexico but both the 805 and M20 are available. I can live without deep bass, btw. Hey, a couple of years ago I just had a portable cd player and some bose small active speakers. Bookshelf speakers are the next evolutionary step! was moving around the world about every 6-12 months for contracts. So everything I owned had to fit in two suitcases. Now I still travel but have a place I can call my own (or sorts) and can fill it with these things.

In the US among places there is large availability of audio gear, new or used. If there I will seriously consider used and probably would have gone for the b&w N803 or N804.

In any case my listening room is small to medium so it can be filled by small speakers and I listen to electronica, downtempo, lounge, classical, acid jazz...

My CDM1 NT still sound nice (the N805 and/or M20 would sound even better) so I am not completely seized upon by upgradetitis. If I am awake late at night chances are I am at the pub.