Sound Lab M1 vs Magnepan 3.6

Since the Sound Lab costs much more than the Maggie, I was wondering if anyone knows what the sonic differences between these two planar speakers are. I am not likely to be able to audition a sound labs speaker easily.
I have auditioned the Sound Labs many times and have owned the Maggies. The SLs have lots more resolution and IMO are not as tweaky in their room placement, toe-in, etc. The Sound Labs throw an enormous sound stage with good tube gear and the HF can be tuned to your preference, adjustable on the back transformer. The SLs have just 1 panel where the Maggies have 3, thus the SLs cannot be bi-wired. The SLs I listened to also included a Tara Air power cord and a Richard Gray power filter on each, extra items not needed for the Maggies.

That said, a properly set up pair of Maggies with a large power amp can provide a great listening experience for a fraction of the cost of a pair of SLs.
Judit, if you are anywhere near me, you are welcome to sit in with my group and listen to my Soundlab U-1 speakers. Others in my group have Maggie 3.6, Maggie 20.1, Soundlab A3, and three pairs of Soundlab A1's.

Currently, also possible to compare to ProAc Future Ones, Vandersteen 5's and B&W 800.

The offer is good in the future as well, maybe if traveling brings you this way.