What's a good amp to pair with SF Grd Piano Home

Just got a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers. And there really great. I am up-grading my old Carver M1.0t amp and was wondering if any one had some good suggestions on a good amp match for the fabers?
I use a Classe 301 amp to power my Grand Piano Home. They are an ideal match for jazz, vocals and rock. I think the transparency and smoothness of the Classe, together with the SF's warm laidback signature, make a synergistic combination.
As you're looking for a good match for the 38, too, I would recommend ML334.
Otherwise, I would propose a change in the pre: to these ears, the ML amp -- say the 334 -- outclasses the pre. You may wish to reconsider an integrated, though, if the investment for a pre+amp combo is too high....