I lived with the 2.5i for a few years and while they were quite accomodating to better gear, I still had a difficult time really getting into the music with them on a long term basis. They require good amplification and lots of it and of course good source material. The problem long term was that there is an upper midrange/low treble emphasis that after time becomes more apparent and fatiguing. The midrange performance also appeared recessed with that emphasis. I've heard this much more apparent with other designs but the NHT's are not flat in this area. They aren't bad speakers and for home theater as you note, work quite well. For music they take a mite of effort and at the end of the day, I feel there are better choices. Your ears are your ultimate guide. On the other hand I never found them to be harsh, just a tad bright for my taste.
I lived with the 2.5i for a few years and while they were quite accomodating to better gear, I still had a difficult time really getting into the music with them on a long term basis. They require good amplification and lots of it and of course good source material. The problem long term was that there is an upper midrange/low treble emphasis that after time becomes more apparent and fatiguing. The midrange performance also appeared recessed with that emphasis. I've heard this much more apparent with other designs but the NHT's are not flat in this area. They aren't bad speakers and for home theater as you note, work quite well. For music they take a mite of effort and at the end of the day, I feel there are better choices. Your ears are your ultimate guide. On the other hand I never found them to be harsh, just a tad bright for my taste.