Great Small Speakers w/ high WAF?

I'm looking for some great small speakers with a high Wife Accpetance Factor. I have ProAc 1.5's now and frankly they are not bad looking but the spouse is looking for something smaller still. Any experience out there with Gallo Due's, KEF 101, LS3/5a?

Gotta be small and moutable near a wall.
If your budget is around 2K, try the Totem Mani-2. They can
be bought second hand thru audiogon in that price range. I replaced a pair of Linn AV-5140, which is also a beautiful
speaker, with the Mani-2. My girlfriend likes the Mani-2 mahogany fininsh and small size, I just love the sound, the bass is incredible.
In the looks department I would look at the B&W 805 Nautilus or the Sonus Faber speakers. I prefer the sound of the latter but the looks of either are impressive.
reference 3a decapos.. will be available in a couple of months in different wood veneers.Righteous sound at livable cost.
I am very surprised that no one mentionned the undisputed champion in the category. It's really a no-brainer when you consider the sound, build quality and sexy looks that is a departure from all the still-good-looking-but still-a -square box speakers mentionned above...and the winnier is...

Any of the Sonus Faber Speakers, and especially in the walnut finish. Exquisite Italian styling and cabinetry, honest sound. Game over.