Great Small Speakers w/ high WAF?

I'm looking for some great small speakers with a high Wife Accpetance Factor. I have ProAc 1.5's now and frankly they are not bad looking but the spouse is looking for something smaller still. Any experience out there with Gallo Due's, KEF 101, LS3/5a?

Gotta be small and moutable near a wall.
sorry, got to laugh at the reference 3a decapos... even in wood... design is not their strongest suit
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the ProAc Tablette series, especially since you've got ProAc now and seem satisfied with them. The Tablette 8 is a truly tiny speaker that looks pretty good and delivers amazing sound, even into the bass region. My reaction to hearing them was "that's impossible, there *has* to be a sub working too..." but there wasn't!

I haven't heard the Sonus Fabers, but they were sitting right next to the Tablette 8's at my favorite dealer, and the others are right, they are beautiful.