Alternatives to Dunlavy speakers?

With Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business, what are the best alternatives to Dunlavy IV/A and V speakers?
A product line that is conceptually very similar to what Dunlavy was doing is PBN audio's "Montana" series.

The big Dynaudios mentioned by Rcprince are unique in their use of two tweeters, one above the other. This effectively preserves the wider-than-it-is-tall radiation pattern of the vertically spaced midranges and woofers. The result isn't really a line source, but it does produce a more uniform radiation pattern than the Dunlavy/Montana vertical symmetry around a single tweeter.
If you mean time and alligned speakers the bigies are Vandersteen, Thiel, and Meadowlark Audio.
About the same size as the Dunlavy 4's, but
much better midrange and highs IMO
A really dialed-in set of Dunlavy(s) are without question the most accurate and phase linear speakers per dollar
in the world. Why can this statement be made? Because
Dunlavy is the only company that tested each and every
speaker and included those tests as part of the warranty
agreement. Dunlavy speakers are incredibly directional,
but in the 'sweet seat' (barely one person wide) the dream
of full frequency realism is finally achieved. I'm personally sad to see this company move from the high-end stage. It's unlikely that another company will ever attempt
to provide so much for so little.
While the Montana's may lok like Dunlavy's, the go directly against two of John's design criteria --- sealed enclosure and 1st order crossover. And they sound nothing like Dunlavy's