Best SET Compatible Speakers, $4k-6k used

Hi folks,

Starting the second system and will be building it around the speakers. I'm using a sonic frontiers line 3 preamp, with a rega p3/RB300 or CDP. Amps are TBD, targeting the low end of wattage - potentially 45 tubes, so figure less than 10 watts. The room is 12x15, 9' ceilings. I don't plan on deafing the neighbors - I want truly emotional playback with little to no horn coloration and great spatiality. The type of playback that makes your friends jealous!!! Will go with monitors or full range speakers.

Any suggestions?
Both are rare finds these days, but the ESP Bodhran or the Brentworth Type III are each over 100 db and are world class loudspeakers in the right system/room.
Yes, I forgot about the Brentworth. I have heard them and they are very good. I assume they are still in business as their website is still active. Worth checking out.
If you don't want a horn/lowther colored sound, I would recommend Spendor SP100. Presents a very stable 8ohm load and has relatively high sensitivity (over 90db). Very musical and emotionally satisfying especially when driven by SET amps. And last I checked, $3300 brand new.
Sorry my friend was on my site and typed in the Legacy and VMPS response. I do own both of these and have used them with tube amps but not SET. I apologize for the miscue.