Great soundstaging speakers = 2k

Hi all,

I'm in the middle of changing my speakers, and was looking for some recos on a good speaker. The electronics are :
Plinius 8200 MK I
Sony DVPS7700
QED silver speaker cables and interconnects

I'm not the kind of guy who sits down and listens to music. I have a bunch of western and indian classical CDs that I play almost every single minute I'm at home....but simultaneously do other chores within the room. So more than imaging , I want to get some speaker that projects hu-uge soundstage and sweetspot... something that is a little laidback, warm without losing detail. I've been through mostly mid-fi speakers like PSB stratus bronze, silvers, energy veritas, tyler acoustic, paradigm and infinity.

So I would really appreciate if you can offer me some recos about speakers that you think will suit my tastes.

There is a pair of Mirage M1s for sale on Agon. These, although huge, will definately meet your requirements. Huge soundstage, laid back and not bright, incredible imaging...They are extremely power hungry thought..
Just a thought at 2k they are a bargain.. Origionally if you could find them they were 7k!
Your Plinius should drive them.
Happy listening,
Custom Audio LLC
Legacy Classics, psb Goldi. By the way, I wouldn't necessarily consider your previous speakers "mid-fi."
Mirage bi-polars and Ohm Walsh speakers are good recommendations for giving you a wide listening area, though I haven't heard the current generationg Ohm speakers so can't vouch for them. The Mirages tend to be warm and laid-back. A bit harder to find are Shahinian speakers - perhaps a used pair of Obelisks will pop up. That's a lovely little speaker. Or if by chance you find a good deal on a used pair of Gradient Revolutions, they also have correct tonal balance from well outside the sweet spot, and are unusually relaxing for long-term listening. Disclaimer - I'm a Gradient dealer.

Like you, I prefer speakers that sound good anywhere in the room.

Best of luck in your quest!
