Great soundstaging speakers = 2k

Hi all,

I'm in the middle of changing my speakers, and was looking for some recos on a good speaker. The electronics are :
Plinius 8200 MK I
Sony DVPS7700
QED silver speaker cables and interconnects

I'm not the kind of guy who sits down and listens to music. I have a bunch of western and indian classical CDs that I play almost every single minute I'm at home....but simultaneously do other chores within the room. So more than imaging , I want to get some speaker that projects hu-uge soundstage and sweetspot... something that is a little laidback, warm without losing detail. I've been through mostly mid-fi speakers like PSB stratus bronze, silvers, energy veritas, tyler acoustic, paradigm and infinity.

So I would really appreciate if you can offer me some recos about speakers that you think will suit my tastes.


I own a Plinius 8150. After auditioning speakers for over 1 year (over 20 different speakers), I've settled on the Revel M20. The result was simply on a different league of everything else (this included Dynaudio 1.3 and 1.8, Red Rose R3, Reference 3A Royal Master, Sonus Faber Signum, Elac 512, Thiel 1.5 and many more to name)

The matching with the Plinius is made in heaven. As for the cables, I use the (no longer available) Yamamura Millenium 6000 (speaker and IC). These are amazing cables and give lots of air and bloom ... I know the QED and they are honest cables, but are not able to deliver the huge soundstage and the effortless, non-mechanical presentation you are looking for.

Regarding the CDP, I can't comment, but I use a Meridian 508.24 with great results.

The M20 are among the most extraordinary audio components I know. They have ultimate accuracy, astonishing tonal balance, huge and precise soundstage, plenty of fine detail but without sounding harsh or cold ... but they are extremely revealing of anything that may be less than ok on your front-end, so audition is a must.

Good luck,

Cacophonix, Give a listen to Martin Logans as these speakers can do all the things you wish!
Happy Listening!
If you listen to classical, low level listening,not
forward,still want huge sounstage,detail, sweet spot,
less than 2k? try the aerius martin logan IMO this
will give your need, plus plinius and ML match very
well.You can buy them here used here at AG.
Happy listening. I use to own the omh 3 they are good
speaker they are omnidirectional, you can walk around
the room the sound, the sweet spot is still the same.
But the quality of sound you will get from aerius and
plinius combination is wayyyyyyy... much better.
$1300 to $1800 it depends on the model.