Great soundstaging speakers = 2k

Hi all,

I'm in the middle of changing my speakers, and was looking for some recos on a good speaker. The electronics are :
Plinius 8200 MK I
Sony DVPS7700
QED silver speaker cables and interconnects

I'm not the kind of guy who sits down and listens to music. I have a bunch of western and indian classical CDs that I play almost every single minute I'm at home....but simultaneously do other chores within the room. So more than imaging , I want to get some speaker that projects hu-uge soundstage and sweetspot... something that is a little laidback, warm without losing detail. I've been through mostly mid-fi speakers like PSB stratus bronze, silvers, energy veritas, tyler acoustic, paradigm and infinity.

So I would really appreciate if you can offer me some recos about speakers that you think will suit my tastes.

Soul if you have the right amp like plinius, you will get
bigger sweet spot, my friend use to own them, I still
own the quest with plinius sa 100, the sweet spot is
huge...., but the quest are more than 2k.
im my experieince I like my quest when Iam standing,
with respect to Soul this is just an experience, I
would like to share.NO OFFENSE.
I did audition the martin logans, but found that while imaging was great, the sweet spot is ridiculously small. At Tweeter, I also auditioned the sonus fabers and found them to be great, but $3k is more than what I'm willing to spend. I'm looking out for a used revel f30 for around 2k...Lets hope i'll find one here at audiogon.

I've heard a lot of good things about vandersteen and meadowlark, but there are no local dealers i'm hesitant buying those unheard. Any audiogoners in Dallas who are gracious enough to let me listen to their vandersteen/meadowlark speakers? :)))
Sounds like u are leaning towards a phase correct speaker...again...check out Green Mountain Audio Europas for $ Roy at GMA on the Manufactuer list on this site...a speaker is highly subjective...but I selected these even after hearing Vandies and Larks..which were also very good...cheers...
I guess I'm a little confused by the terminology but I think I know what you mean. More often then not, I've heard "huge soundstage" applied to speakers with a small sweet spot and precise requirements for speaker placement. In the sweet spot, with the speakers aligned, the soundstage is huge.

My experience has been that a big sweet spot goes along with a wide-dispersion speaker. Ohm Walsh, being omni-directional, are a great example but they haven't been made in quite a while.

I asked for a large sweet spot and a dealer demo'd Dynaudio. He was right. The knock on them is that they require a lot of power and they are very revealing.