which headphones???

Here's the scoop:

I currently own a pair of Grado SR125's. Although they sound good, I have some issues with them.

First, comfort. Wearing them for extended periods kill my ears - my ears actually get sore.

Second - although the bass response is good (ie. tight and articulate), it just does not cut it when it comes to reproducing the lowest notes that might be heard in electronic music or hip hop etc. (yeah yeah!! I know that i've probably generated a few snickers from you readers, but my music tastes cover a VERY wide range - from Beethoven to Black Sabbath over to Public Enemy then back to Loreena McKennitt)

Soooo, I need a headphone that will do it all - and be able to reproduce those low notes of Paul Oakenfold's trance and the Boom Boom Boom of the Lost Boys.

I've so far read about Beyerdynamic (various models) and AKG K270's.

Because it's kinda difficult for me to find these cans anywhere, I will probably have to order them.


Megasam, I agree! I have both the Sen. 600 and the Grado SR-125. I am using a Headroom Cosmic (battery portable) amp, and the Sen. 600 is a far superior set of phones. However, it is much more difficult to drive and does not play as loudly. For cruising on the backroads of the Sonoran Desert with the windows down/sunroof open, the Grado-125's are the choice (wind noise). When in the hotel room, definitely the Sen. 600's!
You might try upgrading within the Grado line. My 225's have decent bass response.
Could someone please explain to me why, as previously quoted;

"must be driven by good headphone amp however because of high 300 ohm impedance rating vs 32 ohm rating for Grado."

8 ohm impedance is easier to drive in normal speakers that 4 ohm, so why does it appear the other way round with phones?

My amp, an Audiolab 8000LX has the following stats:

Headphone output:

Output Imp: 330 Ohms
Suitable for headphones 8 - 2K ohm Imp.

Will the Senn 600's be OK with this?
(I am currently using a tired old pair of BeyerDynamic DT 331's - 40 ohm)

Thx in advance,
Joshcloud ... an 8Ohm speaker impedance is easier to drive for most amplifiers because it draws less current than a 4Ohm impedance, and most cheaper amps are more limited in their ability to drive current than voltage, because high current equals large power supply equals expensive parts.

Now I think that headphones require very little current, but a 600Ohm headphone will require 10 times the voltage of a 60 Ohm headphone in order to drive the same current. In battery powered devices higher voltages are bad news for battery life, and so a small battery powered portable might have difficulty and/or very short battery life driving a pair of HD600s.

In summary the limiting aspect of the design of an integrated amp (current limited) and a portable CD player (voltage limited) are very different, leading to the apparent contradiction in driving capabilities. Hope this makes sense.

Your audiolab amp should have no problem at all with HD600s. I have an audiolab 8000C preamp and it drives higher impedance headphones with ease. My Marantz CD67SE headphone socket will also drive the higher impedance phones with ease.

So I think the HD600s will work with most decent mains powered equipment but might struggle with battery power.
Thx Sean,

Now it is all clear to me :)

I'll add that I changed my Creek 4330R for the 8000LX and am happy with it, sounds far more open and revealing that the Creek and plenty of controlled bass. I found the Creek very "musical" but not revealing enough for my tastes and it didn't have a phone jack (the 5350 does though...???)

I am not 100% sure, yet about the 8000LX as I am listenning through a pair of Kef Cresta 3 floorstanders while I await my new Tweeters for my pair of eBay B&W P4's :)

What I am really looking for is that old magic that my '96 Pioneer A400 amp provided, even if it didn't have much bass (what it had was nicely controlled)...

I am optimistic though :)
