Vandersteen or Klipsch

Currently have Klipsch KG4. Looking at the Vandersteen 1c. Have a tubed Cary cd player and will soon add a tube integrated, maybe Pathos, Unison or similar. Should I keep the Klipsch (and the bass extension along w/94 sens.)or go for the Vandy's? Thanks.
Vandersteen. Forget the Pathos and Unison, though. They are crap. You'd do well with an ARC CA-50. While you're at it, go for the Vandy 2's.
Vandersteen and Klipsch sound very different from eachother. A brief audition should answer your question.
Vandersteens don't like to be too close to a back wall, so you should make sure that they will fit into the room arrangement. The Klipsch speakers may be less fussy about placement