Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???

Ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here's the survey.

Some of you may in the position to afford your dream speakers so obviously this doesn't apply to you.

This survey applies to the remainder of us dreamers!

I need you to list 2 speakers. 1 for your favorite visually. The 2nd speaker just for appeal factor.

I'll start.

Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Appeal: Eggleston Andras
Amati Homage? O'Heocha? Kharma Exquisite? You guys have weird taste in aesthetics. They all kind of look ugly to me...

No takers on the Kharma Enigma Reference system? Only $1M, and, if I do my zero's right, weighs a mere 11 tons and produces 100 db/1W/5m. Now *that* is a speaker.
Looks--Sonus Faber Amati Homage; I'm sure these must sound great too, but I've never heard them sound good, due to poor dealer setup.
Sound--Like Meech 33, Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams; when properly set up they have the soundstaging, bass extension and dynamic capability to make me feel as if I'm at the recording venue, and they are sensitive enough for me to use my favored lower-powered tube amps (Jadis JA80s, Lamm ML1.1s or Siltech amps) to drive the main towers.