Vandersteen 5 vs Model 2c/2wq Combo

If anyone out there has read any of my posts, I have been scouring the Earth to find a speaker setup that will fit my needs and fit my pocket book. I have found some great info here and now I have another question.

I thought about getting the Vandersteen Model 5. I believe that with this setup, I would not have a need for a subwoofer, but my listening room is small and I believe that the Model 5 would be alot like practicing scales with my guitar plugged into 100 watt Marshall stack in the bathroom. It would be complete overkill in both price and size for me; plus, I don't think I could afford that big of an investment all at one shot and you know how savings usually goes out the door because of emergencies or whatever. However, I could afford to get the Vandersteen Model 2ce this year(with help from tax refund) and then next year maybe get one Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. How would this setup compare to the model 5 in sound quality? The model 5 would probably still be much louder and probably get better integration, but how close can I come to a good sound with the 2ce/2wq combo?

Sdcampbell, let me just add that buit-in active woofers in model 5 have more powerful amps and go more far to the bottom than in 2Wq.
I agree with Maxgain, if your front end is not up to it, you could become very discouraged after purchasing the model 5. I have done exactly what he suggested. I have put my $$$ into the best front end I can afford, and am only now shopping for an amp - speaker upgrade that will satisfy my needs.

In any event, I would advise you to get up and running with a good entry level system that you can work with. The high end is full of well-meaning snobs (no disrespect intended, this includes myself) who have such pride of accomplishment in the systems they build that they generally do not divulge their beginnings.
OK, Judit, roll back the clock about 30 years when I was in High School. Before this I had listened to my brothers system, but this was my first and I remember planning it out for MONTHS; Pioneer PL-71, it was their top of the line($300)direct drive turntable(it had a nice arm on it)with some Audio Technica(bright orange stylus) cartridge that I can't remember the model. A Marantz 1060, 30 watt per channel integrated amp driving EPI 100's(two way's with inverted dome tweeters and 8" woofers if I remember right). there you have it!
I have a small listening room and had the same concerns about the Model Fives. My dealer let me take them home for a week trial. After finding the correct placement and adjusting the subwoofers to my room they sound exceptional. I have no experience with the Model 2c but I have been very pleased with the Model Fives. They are my 4th pair of speakers in the last 5 years and they are staying.

I agree with the above posts...if you can't afford the appropriate hardware to drive the 5's (or now the 5A's), you'd be better off going with the 2Ce Sigs or the 3A Sigs.

Also, don't get caught up in the "It can't be good if it's not uber-expensive" mentality - especially with the Vandy's. The 2Ce Sigs are nothing to dismiss, and the 3A Sigs are so good that I personally can't justify lusting after the 5's.