What's up with Piega P-10 prices?

Under the Audiogon Blue Book, the new price in '98 is listed as $4997. Since several used P-10 pairs have been listed on Audiogon recently with the new price quoted from $10k to 12K+, I wonder where the discrepancy is occurring? I checked the Blue Book on the new price listed for P-8, and these are priced in the threes, new, so the BB prices listed seem to be consistent.
Can the Swiss franc have been so devalued???
The retail for a pair was close to $10,000 US so perhaps the retail price listed is for one speaker. Or maybe the price listed is just wrong, it wouldn't be the only mistake in there or any such compilation.
The price in the bluebook is completely wrong.The speaker is very consistant world wide and has never been less than 10,000.00 us dollars. Lookup Lew Lenise review from 99 in stereo times.
I think the issue lies in the way the prices were quoted and would concurr with Herman. In fact I'm quite certain. When I first looked at the speakers I ended up with the 2000 Swiss retail price list and the prices were all for 1 speaker. By the way in 2000 the price in Switzerland was 5940 francs for the plain (non piano finish) version - one speaker. I really don't think there has been any large increase.