Why so many problems with martin logan?

I have owned 8 pairs had problems with allmost all of them .3 pairs where deliverd in damaged or missing parts ,or wrinkled pannels.Or cosmetic damage.I like the sound but have found a better way so Iam glad I have moved on .Since I havent owned M/L the other speakers I have purchased worked right out of the box with out many calls to my dealer and martin logan .Iam talking about there new models .Just wondering if others have had these problems ?Thxs for your imput.JK

A few years ago, I bought two new pairs of Martin Logan speakers, but I will never another Martin Logan product for several reasons. First, delivery took more than two months as a result of delays at the ML factory in Kansas. To reduce the delay and risk of shipping damage, my dealer suggested I ask ML to ship the speakers to me directly (the dealer was also far from my home and would have to ship the speakers to me after getting them from ML). ML refused to ship direct, thus further delaying delivery. Martin Logan said shipping to me directly would cause bad blood with their dealers (ignoring the fact that drop shipping was the dealer's suggestion). So I canceled my order.

Shortly thereafter, Dennis Chern, ML's U.S. Sales Manager, called me and told me he had been "instructed to do everything possible to effect a positive outcome" on my order. He then said Martin Logan would pay the $350 shipping charge (from dealer to my house) if I reinstated my order. After Chern assured me this arrangement would not affect my dealer's profits, I accepted Martin Logan's offer. Once the speakers were delivered, however, Martin Logan refused to pay the shipping charge. In a letter faxed to me two months after delivery, Chern said "Martin Logan is not in a position to make a decision on reimbursement of shipping costs" and then said that I should take the matter up with my dealer and ask them to pay the charge (even though the dealer was not responsible for ML's shipping delay and was never apprised of the agreement made by Chern). So much for not creating bad blood. Adding insult to injury, Martin Logan never bothered to answer any of the letters I wrote to Galye Sanders asking them to honor their agreement. As a result of all this, it got to the point where I couldn't listen to the speakers without feeling cheated and betrayed. So I sold both pairs at a considerable loss and inconvenience. I have never been treated so badly by any company, much less an audio company.

Based on these experiences, I am convinced Martin Logan is not a reputable company. JohnK's string of bad experiences with Martin Logan only reinforces this opinion. Caveat emptor. Don
Yes Iam crazy and have owned this many logans .I have nothing to prove if you dont believe me .Thats your problem .The damage martin logans where not damaged by shipping .Dont see how the parts could just fall off the speaker and out the box.lol .And wrinkled pannels are a design problem martin logan admited it was having ,problems with the lexan spars.The best speaker I purchased from them was my CLS2Z only took 3 months after I ordered for them to arrive.And the descent sub had no issues.I knew I would upset some with this post but this is my experance with martin logan .Yours maybe diferant
Marakanetz why reply if you have nothing to offer ? Seems like you are wasting your time and ours :)
LPG fake thread ??I have owned this many pairs ask university audio in Madison WI. What I hate is people who reply to post with nothing usefull to say just to bash the poster .This is my honest experance with martin logan .
All my martin logans where purchased new from a dealer .The problems where not shipping related .I dont mean to offend happy logan owners just letting others know my experances with there products .1 time after many complants about my Prodigy,wrinkled pannels ,cosmetic dammage ,screws missing bolt holding the binding posts was missing .They took care of me after a month and 1/2, also sent me a shirt and 3m dust cloth .So nice of them .JK