Speaker placement at dealers

Is it just me...or are dealers...even hi-end shops...less than ideal when auditioning speakers?...they often appear baffled when I move speakers out into the room...and closer together...how do they expect a proper assessment...when speakers are flush against a wall...with ten other models between them?
Unsound: I saw your original post and have to wonder how / why it disappeared ??? I know that you were simply responding to Hackmaster's comments and that you weren't in here "shilling" for business. What's up with that ???

Hackmaster: Victor's was located up near Rush street originally and later opened another store not that far from there. Unfortunatly, Victor was better at being a "nice guy" than he was a businessman and he ended up closing the store. Audio Consulants ended up moving into that location. I thought that you were located in Hyde Park or within that general vicinity ?

As to your comments about Holm Audio, they try to do that approach but have so much gear that it ends up getting crowded in some specific rooms. I basically liked that place a lot but there was a specific salesman there that was absolutely the opposite of what this thread is about. This salesman was obnoxious, over-bearing, insulting, argumentative and just plain rude. He even stated that he knew more about audio gear and design than John Curl, Victor Khomenko, etc...

On one occasion, i went into Holm audio with several thousand dollars in my pocket. I went there intending to buy a very specific component from them. I left with nothing other than the urge to beat the piss out of that salesman. The funny thing is that "idiot" ( for lack of wanting to say my real thoughts ) probably thinks that he did nothing wrong and that his conduct is "appropriate".

The thing that REALLY set me off was when the "salesman" literally said "here's a dollar, go buy a clue" !!! If it were not for my brother pulling me out of the store by my arm saying "it's not worth it, don't do it", i'm pretty sure that they would have hauled that guy out of there in little pieces. I'm sure there are other locals here that can relate to my story and know exactly what salesperson i'm referring to. Sean
Will each person on this thread please list his last musical,live , experience? Just looking for your references. Not trying to be an axxxxxe.
My last "live" outings were to see Guns N Roses, Peter Gabriel and Hugh Masekela. Sean
My last few Alabama,Charlie Daniels,George Straight.Some oldies Jonathan Edwards,Frank Sinatra,Roy Orbison ( one of his last ) The Kingsmen,Sam the Sham and others I can't remember,due to my age.....
I dont bother with live music...it usually sounds like crap,the drinks are overpriced,and the place is full of twenty something gap models...the exception...I will go out to Orchestra Hall...