Speaker placement at dealers

Is it just me...or are dealers...even hi-end shops...less than ideal when auditioning speakers?...they often appear baffled when I move speakers out into the room...and closer together...how do they expect a proper assessment...when speakers are flush against a wall...with ten other models between them?
i wish hifi farm had a branch where i live. how close is hifi farm to the DC airport where SW Air lands. i'll spend a cheapy weekend to properly demo speakers with a good knowledgable dealer. does hififarm have any left over piega p-10's. i'll come up if a can demo intellegently and purchase a little over what the left overs are selling for on audiogon!!!
recent live music: string quartets---ahah, acoustic jazz in a club
w/ a poor sound system, live flamenco--small intimate and great sound
Sean I've seen and heard some pretty arrogant, snobby sales people in NYC, but, your story is the most bizarre I've ever heard. I'm aghast!
Phasecorrect: Unsound's comments were pulled yet he has no affiliaton with Symphony Sound. Unsound was simply responding to and applauding Hackmaster's comments. For those that did not know, Hackmaster operates Symphony Sound here in Chicago. Sean
Hackmaster and Sean...I live and work not too far from Mike Holm's place and they do try hard. I don't know who the salesman was who gave you a heard time, Sean, but I've never had a run-in with anyone. Mike can be a little opinionated at times, but he'll do virtually anything you ask. Was there last night to take some things home for audition.

Their place is a little small, but the rooms (esp. the vinyl room) are set up pretty well. Last time I bought speakers there, they would only allow one set in at a time. Good for them!

Hackmaster, next time I'm in the city visiting my Linn guy, I'll have to come to Symphony Sound!
Cp: The "salesman" that i spoke of is no longer employed by Mike of Holm Audio as far as i know. If you've been there more than a few times, you should know of which individual that i speak of. Sean