Out Of Studio Monitoring And Into Hi-Fi

I just sold my Event ASP8's and JBL LSR6328's. I'm out of music production and am getting into hi-fi.

I tried keeping the JBL's because their crystal clear highs are phenomenal, but when it comes to pure dynamic power, they fall flat, like they're supposed to.

If I was just a classical listener, I wouldn't have any problems with studio monitors. The problem is that I like to rock sometimes.

I've got a pc based system, complete with a good mixer and soundcard, so hookup options aren't a worry. I've got $2,000+ to spend and so far, I don't think I need very much to get off the ground.

I've been looking at a 2.1 setup and am having trouble sifting through all the options, I really need help. I've been to Best Buy and other audio houses, but the salesmen are either morons or they just care about their commissions.

I'm in a 20x20 room and need to fill the whole house when the time comes. I don't need home theater options and have no preference between powered/unpowered speakers. I'd like to steer away from floorstanders and go after desk or stand mounts.
Hi, Mtnrnr3. Did you mean to post this question in the PC Audio forum? I think you might get more responses if you posted it in the Speaker forum. Sorry I don't have any recommendations based on your info.
I'm thinking that I need 2 loudspeakersm a sub and a receiver, so pc audio wouldn't matter. Also, I've heard good things about the opals, thanks for the responses.
I don't think you need to change the speakers. LSR6328 is good active speaker. All you need is to add a LSR6312 matching sub.
I thought about just adding a sub to the LSR's, but I would still be dealing with "flat response" speakers. If I wasn't into rock and only listened to easy stuff, the LSR's would be fantastic. In fact, I'm still in love with them just because the voices they project are hypnotizingly stellar.

What the LSR's can't do is hype and color sound, like hi-fi, to give the feeling of dynamic power, which heavier music requires. This is just my experience anyway and the debate will always be split.
Quite a large room. Don't know why you wouldn't consider floorstanders, which would take up the same size as standmounts + stands??

If going for standmounts, I'd add the Revel M22 to your shortlist.