Positioning Vandersteens

This is a two-part question and since the parts are related I think one post is appropriate. First part is regarding a recent thread about speaker placement in dealer showrooms in which a couple of folks commented on the difficulties in properly placing Vandersteen speakers. This is interesting since I am in process of trying to get my 3A Signatures properly located in my somewhat small room. I’m having difficulties, primarily with a bass boom, and was hoping someone might be able to relay their experiences with siting Vandersteens. Comments on whether these speakers are appropriate for my room (see below) would also be appreciated. The second part of the question relates to the room itself, I recently measured the room with my Radio Shack SPL meter (using the Rives Audio test procedure and the Stereophile Test CD) and found, to my amazement, that the room was only flat from 400 Hz to 1000 Hz, the readings dropping off steadily such that at both 100 Hz and 10,000 Hz the readings were 20 dB down. This seems rather extreme to me, anyone else have similar findings? Specifics on the room, overall it is 17’ 3” by 14’ 8” with 7’ ceiling, however, it is reduced in size by a partial, full height wall through half the width making for a 13’ 4” by 14’ 8” space where the speakers are. To make matters worse there is some ductwork (boxed in and insulated) running along two walls. Because of the odd shape most or all of the acoustic software for siting speakers won’t work. Particulars of the system: Audio Research SP-9 MK II, Audio Research Classic 60, CAL Tercet MK IV, VPI HW-19 MK II, McIntosh MR-71, and PS Audio P-300. Some assistance in this process from those who’ve been there done that would be greatly appreciated!
One thought (Pmotz), remove the spikes and place the speakers as close to thier proper listening positions as possible. Now replace the spikes and make the final adjustments. Saves your floor!

Contact Mark at Audio Perfection in Minneapolis...or better yet...Richard himself...
hi...i am math illiterate. i have the vandersteen 2 ci's and i dont have the manual that goes with them. my room is 13' x 9.75, speakers on the short wall. would anyone be kind enough to do the math part for me and give me a general idea of where they should be placed? right now i have them 4.5 from the rear wall and 24' from the side walls. no toe in. my listening level is 33". thanks in advance.
something to consider...

as much as i love the arc classic 60. it may be a little to underpowered in this situation.

also, as good as the vandersteen 3a signature is, it may be too big in your room.

you have very, very good gear and a tight room.

i would condsider going with the vandersteen 2ce signature(believe it or not, less is more in this situation- better fit for your room and a good match with arc classic 60 ) or adding another classic 60 for biamping the 3a's and looking at ALOT of room treatment options. what you are experiencing is a standing waves that are resulting in ALOT of cancellation. ydue to your room size, it cannot support deep bass. you will be lucky if you can get 35 hz.

hope that helps,
