Need suggestions for small room speakers

I have a small bedroom, dimensions about 9x10 or so. Need suggestions about speaker choices. My budget is around 1k. Musical tastes range from Miles Davis, Pink Floyd to New Order.
That's really small! Maybe headphones? Ok serioulsy, my long 2 cents: if big bass isn't a priority, a nice pair of 2 way mini-monitors with 6.5" drivers should be more than enough. Even a 2 way with 5.25 inch mid/woof will probably give you some good bass in there. Small rooms help boost bass, plus you're never going to be very far away from the speakers. If you're going to use the room for things besides listening -- I would go for something like the little Sonus Faber Concertinos. $1k should be plenty for whatever you choose. Personally, I probably wouldn't even spend the full amount since your room is kind of a limiting factor in soundstaging and all that.

Also, if you can't get your speakers out far into the room for "proper" placement and are going to have the speakers closer to the walls, like only 1 foot, that'll help boost bass too. All the more reason to maybe be happier with a smaller speaker. A good 2 way with a 6.5" would be as big as I would go. There should be alot of good choices out there for you new or used or diy. Don't forget stands or something else of suitable quality.
Second the Spendor s3/5 .. it's a sealed box, so it works pretty well close to walls, and doesn't sound boomy. The Sonus fabers are another good suggestion.
I have a 2nd system in a room the same size as yours. Firstly, suggest you avoid anything with a rear port, unless you can buy or try w/rite of return. This will eliminate a lot of choices. I am currently using the Spendor S3/5. I have them on stands a few inches away from the rear wall and still get a half-way decent soundstage. Whether you like them is a matter of taste (may not be best for Pink Floyd) and how you drive them, but my opinion is there are few speakers available at any price, that have their midrange.