Small room big amp, need speakers

Need some speakers that works well with the krell kas in a 10*10 room.
I don't have personal experience with them ,but, maybe Gradients? IMHO, if I understand your post, (10' X 10' room?) you may need something like a TacT before you consider speakers.
Thiel 1.6s may work....or even the 2.3s, but they may overload the room. The small Vandersteens (2ce) may work too. I'm not sure about Magnepans (1.6s) in such a small space though, but they would be worth trying. The amp will be overkill however. Maybe sell it and get a low powered model. You will probably never gewt great bass in such a small room.
It would be helpful if you would identify what your source is, and what your musical preferences are. Also, how much are you planning on spending on this? Stne418 - I somewhat disagree with your statement on bass; It can be had, but matching the system properly is difficult.