Small room big amp, need speakers

Need some speakers that works well with the krell kas in a 10*10 room.
Thiel 1.6s may work....or even the 2.3s, but they may overload the room. The small Vandersteens (2ce) may work too. I'm not sure about Magnepans (1.6s) in such a small space though, but they would be worth trying. The amp will be overkill however. Maybe sell it and get a low powered model. You will probably never gewt great bass in such a small room.
It would be helpful if you would identify what your source is, and what your musical preferences are. Also, how much are you planning on spending on this? Stne418 - I somewhat disagree with your statement on bass; It can be had, but matching the system properly is difficult.
It is FAR easier to develop great quantities of bass in a small room, but the problem is that standing waves or "nodes" are far more common. As such, the quality of bass will probably suffer to a very noticeable degree. This is especially true of a room with the dimensions ( completely square ) that Minh mentions.

The very first thing that i would think about would be room treatments. In a room that is this size, nothing you can do to your system can make as much of a difference as some inexpensive but well built DIY room treatments.

As far as speakers go, i would look for something that was relatively small to medium sized and made use of a sealed cabinet. Look for something that places the drivers relatively close together, as you will end up sitting relatively close to them. The further that the drivers are spaced apart, the greater the distance that you have to sit back from them for the drivers to fully integrate into a cohesive presentation.

You might also want to look for a speaker that has a "focused field" radiation pattern. As small as the room is, you are bound to have quite a bit of sidewall reflections coming into play. This is not to mention that you won't be able to pull the speakers out too far from the rear wall. Sean
Definitely get accoustic treatments! I have a 11' x 11' room (in an apartment) which has huge standing wave problems but it allows me to have a dedicated room. I used ASC Studio Traps, Argent Lens and 4 sheets of diffuser to tame the room and it prevented me from upgrading my speakers..

My systems is pretty radical for a small room NHT 3.3's (13" off the back wall to prevent eviction notices), Velodyne FS1800, Paradigm Active 20 rear speakers, Aerial CC3 Center... powered by an EAD PowerMaster 2000 (400wattx5 channels)... I have the sub basically turned off as the NHT's will keep upsetting my neighbors...

I can't wait to buy a stereo room (free with house purchase). Smaller speaker monitors will make taming the accoustics easier for you.