Any thoughts on a Audiogon covention?

Just wondering...has there ever been an Audiogon convention of sorts? I would love to meet fellow audiophiles,audio enthusiasts,and newbies like myself over a couple of cold ones...also...I am dying to get out of the midwest this winter...anybody down South with convention connections? Peace and happiness to all in upcoming new year...special thanks to all who have responded to my many threads...the life of an audiophile is a lonely endeavor...and this great site has some really cool people...
It has been talked about before mostly in private email and we concluded that we are all way to dizzy to get us all together at any time, we were thinking of New Orleans, how ever that seems to have slowed to backward crawl :) It would be interesting and the place to go would probably be CES for most, because there would be things to do! Or we could all raid Albert's place- just don't let him know we will just knock on his door and then scream SURPRISE! Most of us audiophiles lead such tumultuous lifes it would be easier to make your system perfect then get even half of us together. The best bet is to post a topic(here) including the area you live in and you will find more then a few cool people near you. I am in the Albany NY area and have managed to get 4 or 5 of us together at one time plus a few on the phone and that was pretty crazy! For listening sessions too many people make it crowded and less enjoyable- its never ending Chinese fire drills :) 4 or 5 is tops for most any room. I must admit the people who live near me are really cool and have become some of my best friends in short order- and with out this site I wouldn't have met any of them. Happy Holidays! ~Tim
Hey Phasecorrect,

As always, Tim, your response was very well put. I, to, would be very excited to meet all of the people on this sight. Most of them sound like intelligent, interesting folks. I have been doing the same thing as Tim and contacting people through the 'gon and trying to get them on the phone to pick there brains and exchange info. It has been a lot of fun and very helpful in my endless pursuit of audio nirvana. If you look on any of my for sale ads, you will find my phone #'s and hours. Feel free to contact me and we could shoot the breeze.......John
We might have to break it into regional A'GoN conventions. I've managed to have listening sessions with a few of the Los Angeles members and have had correspondance with members all over the world.

I like the CES idea. Is buying a hotel room at an audiophile show feasible? Maybe have no equipment in it, just food and drink, good friends and trash talking.

Imagine all of us staring at each others name cards to see who's who...Tireguy, Albertporter, Bob_Bundus, Twl...